The earpiece won't be visible to any of the observers and no one, except you, will be able to hear it.
Each SpyBro set includes all you need to invisible communication. You should only have your phone.
All SpyBro sets are compatible with all mobile phones: Windows, iOS, Android (except the camera). The phone should only support Bluetooth connection.
Complete equipment
Pure compatibility
Global coverage
Thanks to the technology, the person who helps you can be anywhere. Even in another part of the world.
The inductive collar sends sound to the earpiece without any visible cables.
The microphone is integrated in the inductive loop, and can catch the slightest whisper. In special cases we have a microphone on a separate cable that can be easily hidden anywhere with beeper pushbutton.
High gain microphone
The Beeper push button of the SpyBro set can be easily hidden inside the sleeve of your shirt. You can use it to pick up the phone and send notifications to your partner.
Beeper Pushbutton
We also have micro cameras that will help you in transferring data to a support person. The lens of camera is hidden under the button which makes it undetectable. 2MP 1080P
Button invisible camera